Black Reishi Liquid Culture

$5.00 $10.00

Ganoderma Sinense

Substrate: Hardwood Sawdust

Colonization/Fruiting temperatures: 70-80F/65-75F

Includes 12ml liquid culture syringe + sterile needle

Recommended use: Use the syringe to inoculate your own liquid culture media to expand the mycelium into many syringes worth.

Storage: Can be left at room temperature for up to 6 months, and refrigerated for longer than 1 year.

Shipping was very timely and the product was very clean and full of mycelium.

Shipping was very timely and the product was very clean and full of mycelium.

Always good... buy from here!

This guy is awesome. Supporting him is worth it along with getting some great cultures.

Looks great can’t wait to harvest these, dry and make extract powder

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